CI Status

CCSDSPy provides an IO Interface for reading CCSDS data in Python. The CCSDS format is used for many NASA and ESA missions for low-level telemetry, and often contains tightly packed bits to reduce downlink requirements.

Used By

_images/goes-r.png _images/hermes.png _images/punch.png _images/mms.jpg

Do you know of other missions that use CCSDSPy? Let us know through a github issue!

Install ccsdspy

To install ccsdspy from source, you can use

pip install ccsdspy


The CCSDS space packet protocol is a not a self-describing data format. Context for how to interpret the file’s bits must be provided. This information is typically available from the flight software documentation.

Fixed Length Packets

Fixed length packets are one type of packet defined in the CCSDS packet standard. This kind of packet has packet data that does not change in length. When provided with a description of the layout of the packet data (not including the primary CCSDS header), ccsdspy.FixedLength will decode the fields automatically using highly efficient vectorized shifting and masking.

The result is returned as a dictionary, containing PacketField names as keys and values are each array of the interpreted data from each packet.

import ccsdspy
from ccsdspy import PacketField, PacketArray

pkt = ccsdspy.FixedLength([
     PacketField(name='SHCOARSE', data_type='uint', bit_length=32),
     PacketField(name='SHFINE',   data_type='uint', bit_length=20),
     PacketField(name='OPMODE',   data_type='uint', bit_length=3),
     PacketField(name='SPACER',   data_type='fill', bit_length=1),
     PacketField(name='VOLTAGE',  data_type='int',  bit_length=8),
         array_shape=(32, 32),

result = pkt.load('MyCCSDS.bin')

It is also possible to return the contents of the CCSDS primary header. For a definition of the CCSDS primary header see CCSDS Standard.

result = pkt.load('MyCCSDS.bin', include_primary_header=True)

Splitting Mixed Streams by APID

Often, CCSDS data will arrive from external sources into software systems in a single file with multiple APIDs. Splitting a mixed file or stream of bytes by APID so they can be used with the ccsdspy.FixedLength class can be done through the API or with the module command line interface.

from ccsdspy.utils import split_by_apid

with open('mixed_file.tlm', 'rb') as mixed_file):
    # dictionary mapping integer apid to BytesIO
    stream_by_apid = split_by_apid(mixed_file)
$ python -m ccsdspy split mixed_file.tlm
Parsing done!
Writing ./apid00132.tlm...
Writing ./apid00134.tlm...
Writing ./apid00258.tlm...
Writing ./apid00384.tlm...
Writing ./apid00385.tlm...
Writing ./apid00386.tlm...
Writing ./apid00387.tlm...

User Documentation